Monday, December 26, 2011

A Holiday Family Tradition

Many families have a tradition they follow around the holidays and it is often nice to share those traditions or to learn of traditions other families have.

A tradition for our family, started by Kathryn my mother-in-law, centered around the red table cloth at our Christmas dinner. When the meal was complete and the table cleared, everyone would trace their hand and sign their name. Abe, my father-in-law would include the year with his name. During the course of the following year Kathryn would embroider each hand and name, using a different color of embroidery thread each year.

So now each year we can look at those hands that were present at each meal and fondly remember the events of that particular season. Throughout the years we had many international guests visiting with us during the holiday and as we look at their hand it provides a wonderful opportunity to reflect on our friends and family around the world.

Now our daughter-in-law is continuing our family’s holiday tradition.

We would love to have you share a holiday tradition your family enjoys. Respond below or Log into The Network of Family Businesses, go to Forums in the Main Menu on the left and click on Share Holiday Traditions of your Family.

Enjoy learning of the traditions.

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