Our next Webinar is scheduled for July 18, 2012
at 3:00 PM EST, with Karen Benz, MS and Mark Lee, CPA, MBA. Mark Lee and Karen
Benz are founders of Business Legacy Consulting, Inc. providing exit planning
and business consulting services to small to medium size business owners.
This intense webinar will explore the many risks
associated with not planning in advance for leaving the business. The issues include: not meeting your business, family and
personal goals; selling your business for less than it’s worth; family
in-fighting and discord; transitioning at the wrong time; and not having a
successor developed. Developing an exit strategy and exit plan can mitigate these
risks significantly.
An exit strategy sets the context for the exit
plan. Learn the key elements of an exit strategy and what the critical
questions are, that must be considered. Answering questions such as: What do
you want this transition out of your business to do for your life? and What are your personal/family obligations? are
essential to the exit plan.
Karen's focus is on business consulting, strategy and leadership development with an emphasis on improving individual and organizational performance. Mark has a passion for helping business owners succeed. They both bring extensive experience in business planning, evaluation of business systems and general management services.
Registration to join The Network of Family
Businesses and be eligible for the On-Line Educational Seminar is available at:
For additional information email: